Praying the Labyrinth with Donna Worthington

canvas labyrinth on floor with woman kneeling in a prayer pose at centre

Enjoy a gentle labyrinth prayer walk… As part of your spiritual journey with Creation, you’ll enter a leaf labyrinth in honour of Saint Ia’s leaf journey across the ocean from Ireland. Come and relax, move mindfully and slow down on your journey to the Centre, to God…

canvas labyrinth on floor with woman kneeling in a prayer pose at centre

Donna Worthington is an experienced retreat giver, spiritual director and labyrinth facilitator. She will be visiting the FCJ Spirituality House as part of her time in Ireland during September / October 2024, when she will be leading retreats in various places including Glendalough and Manresa, Dublin.

Christian Retreats

Retreat Leader (

  • Date : October 2, 2024 - October 3, 2024
  • Time : 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm (UTC+0)
  • Venue : FCJ Spirituality House, V95 E0W7

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