Centering Prayer – An introduction with Fionnuala Quinn

”Interior silence is one of the most strengthening and affirming of human experiences. There is nothing more affirming in fact, than the experience of God´s presence. That revelation says, as nothing else can, You are a good person, I created you and I love you .” Open Mind Open Heart ~ Thomas Keating

If you are searching for a way to get to know God better, or want to experience the Divine in your life; this silent gentle way of praying may be for you. Join us on the west coast of Clare for an introduction to the gentle yet powerful practise of Centering Prayer.

Across this gentle contemplative weekend, Fionnuala will offer presentations and times of stillness together to deepen our practise of Centering Prayer. We hope that the balance of contemplation and a beautiful calm location by the Atlantic will offer the opportunity for the beginner or more experienced to really rest and renew themselves.

“God is present to each one of us, at the centre of our being, every moment of our lives, regardless of our religion, race,
nationality or position in life. 
God is loving us with a love we cannot begin to imagine. 
God knows us intimately and longs to make God’s self known to us.

In Centering Prayer we sit silently in God’s Presence and allow our usual thoughts flow past without paying any attention to them. We allow ourselves to be present to God, to let God love us.
It is an ancient way of prayer presented in an updated form.”

Fionnuala Quinn op is a Dominican Sister, who resides in Dublin. Fionnuala opened Contemplative Outreach Dublin in 2007.

  • Date : 11-15-2024 - 11-17-2024
  • Time : 18:00 - 14:00 (Europe/Dublin)
  • Venue : Spanish Point. V94E0W7

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