A time of ease and rest by the sea

sun on sea

A time of rest and ease by the sea

Come away, O human child, to the waters and the wild (WB Yeats)

We have has a lot of requests for private retreats or quiet catered time away in our retreat space by the sea.

So we are making two weeks available for catered ‘rest and ease’. From Sun 9th June – Fri 14th June and from Sun 22 September -Fri 27 Sept 24; we will hold the house in a pleasant quiet, with evening prayer in the chapel for those interested at 8pm. Weather depending there will be options of a guided Burren walk or a guided beach walk mid week.

This opportunity is available for limited numbers of friends of an Teach Spioradálta, and enquiries can be made by directly emailing Noirin at info@fcjspiritualityhouse.ie

  • Date : September 22, 2024 - September 27, 2024

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